Monday, August 9, 2010

WANTED: Fast Swimmers to get me preggers

Okay… calm down!!!! I don’t actually mean me but, someone out there. And those of you who fit this category, you know who you are.

   So, recently I had an interesting conversation that really got me thinking. And the only way to clear my mind, is to get it off my chest and seek feedback. I’ve always been kinda worried about not finding the right mate. I don’t know if I’m alone on this but, I can’t accept mediocre anymore. I need some stability, some maturity and some ambition. I kinda feel like there is no hope. All the good men are either taken, old as dirt or haven’t been born yet. The 80’s baby (referring particularly to men born during this decade) is proving to be worth nothing more than the $20 that we had to spend on gas money to meet his…(you fill in the blank) at some undisclosed location, a.k.a his home girl’s house.
   By the way this home girl situation is a lil fishy to me but, that’s a different topic for a different day.
I’m worried yall. They don’t have respect for us or our parents. They talk to us however they feel like it, make us last on their ‘to do’ lists and act like we don’t matter in the scheme of things except when we callin’em Daddy and saying YES!!!

   Boy, Please!!! You betta go pack yo raggedy bags you came with and move the hell on. I’m too grown to be playing games.
   Will I never be attracted to a man beyond his physical appearance? I don’t know. They can’t speak properly and they get thrown off when you use small words like “coax,” “enunciate,” and “project.” Saying some dumb ish like, “WTH… why you using big words? I know you went to college.”
   WTF??!!! I want a man who is equipped to stimulate more than my body but speak wisdom to my mind. Get me drunk off some knowledge. Let me sip on that. Tell me something I don’t know. I want him to open my door and I reach over and unlock his. I want him to take pride in his appearance and recognize he is a King and I’m the Queen under his arm. I just really need a man who’s gonna treat me like I need to be treated.
   How many times have you had this conversation? "So, what are you doing? Chillin. And by chillin you mean??? You know man… just chillin. So where you heading? School? Work? Naw, I’m finna hit up this club. Hit me up later." Again, WTF!!!! If you ain’t in school you need to be working and if you ain’t doing that join the Army. Am I right or am I right?
   Anyway, yall forgive me, on to the real reason for this post. I wanna know how you feel about sperm donors and women who need them. What do you say to the woman who is pushing 40, never been married, has no children but, can’t lock a man down long enough to create some. Adopt? Take it up in prayer? Wait a lil while longer? Go for it? You decide.
   Keep in mind she has considered adoption, but wants to give birth to her own first. She’s talked to God and feels that He has led her to this point. And she’s in a rush. She ain’t 21 anymore. The plan is seek the sperm and leave the man behind. Single parenting works when its done right.
   Think about it people and offer some advice. I don’t wanna end up this way even though I’m so far from this stage. Til next time, take care.


  1. I personally would like to do it the conventional way, getting a husband and settling down and doing it the way I feel God intended. However, I cannot judge the woman that may not have time to waste or simply wants to raise a child on her own. There are some wonderful single parent out there so I guess to each is own.

  2. The first thing I'd ask the woman (whatever age or stage she is in currently)is to consider what her main objective is,what does she honestly want: 1. to develop/cultivate a relationship with a special someone 2.Start a family or 3. everything in between. Ultimately, I'm sure she would want to be fulfilled with whatever decision she makes & that's all that should matter.
